…And That's a Wrap!

Why was GYNOCARE COST Action timely?

The GYNOCARE COST Action has officially ended on the 9th September 2023.

GYNOCARE COST Action was timely because it was carried out in parallel with the following international initiatives:

  • The EU Mission for cancer, which is part of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme for the years 2021-2027
  • Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is a political commitment to turn the tide against cancer in the EU
  • European Reference Networks (ERNs): The first 24 ERNs launched in 2017
  • ORPHANET - the portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs; and ORPHAcode, supported via the RD Code project (2019-2021)
  • The legislation for medicines for rare diseases and for children was evaluated in 2020, and an impact assessment for revision of the legislation is currently ongoing
  • The Clinical Trials Directive has been repealed by the Clinical Trials Regulation which became applicable on 31 January 2022

What has GYNOCARE COST Action achieved?

  • 40 open access scientific publications with multiple co-authors
  • Special Issue in the European Journal of Surgical Oncology
  • Contract to update of the international reference textbook on rare and uncommon gynae cancers (Springer)
  • 4 book chapters, 1 patent on a surgical instrument
  • 3 international conference (Malta, Italy, Bulgaria): over 250 attendees in total
  • 2 Training Schools (North Macedonia, Bulgaria): over 200 attendees in total
  • Involvement of Policy Makers, including President of EU Parliament
  • Multiple press conferences and news items on national TV, radio and other media portals in different languages
  • Masters, PhDs, Career advancements, Promotions to Professorship
  • 6 STSMs, 14 Virtual Mobilities, 3 dissemination grants, ITC conference grant
  • Achievement of outcomes beyond the agreed deliverables (eg collaboration with NASA space agency)
  • International Award for Professionalism in Medical Ethics and Research given to the Chair

Who were the stakeholders involved?

  • Clinicians: oncologist, gynaecologists, pathologists, paediatricians, surgeons, physicians, radiologists, etc
  • Nurses, Radiographers, Medical Physicists
  • Academics and Researchers, PhD and Masters students, medical students and students from allied health
  • Lawyers
  • Ethicists
  • Biomedical engineers
  • Biostatisticians and Epidemiologists
  • Public Health Experts
  • Policy Makers and Politicians
  • Pharmacists and the Pharma and Biotech Industry
  • Experts in the Clinical Trails Regulation
  • Patient Advocacy Groups – national and EU (eg EUROPADONNA, ESGO-ENGAGE)
  • Journalists and media experts

For more details, please refer to the following powerpoint presentation: Reflections of the Outcomes of GYNOCARE COST Action 

We look foward to continue working together in the ongoing and future planned collaborations. Click here to read more.