STSM on Population based biobanking

Maltese researcher completes STSM at Trinity College, Dublin

Dr Nikolai P Pace has completed a 5-day short term scientific mission at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland funded by COST Action GYNOCARE (CA18117). Dr Pace was hosted by Dr Sharon O'Toole, leader of Working Group 2.

During the duration of the STSM, Dr Pace delivered two presentations to different biobank network groups at the Trinity and St James's Hospital Network. The presentations, entitled ‘Population based biobanking and the genomes of Malta’ outlined the rationale for population-based biobanking and genomic studies in understudied and poorly represented populations such as those of Malta. The presentations described plans, challenges and ambitions for DWARNA, the proposed nationally representative population biobank in Malta.

Dr Pace also attended the prestigious Trinity St James’s Cancer Institute 12th International Cancer Conference (Harnessing fundamental, translational and clinical research for the benefit of cancer patients).

The STSM also enabled discussion on the challenges and mechanisms of participant outreach and recruitment with key biobanking stakeholders, and evaluated mechanisms to motivate participation, promote outreach to the general population and stimulate the concept of the population as a research partner at the very core of biobanking activities.

Dr Pace is also the Maltese national node representative on BBMRI, the European Biobank network and national biobank lead.