GYNOCARE has devised 5 Working Groups (WGs), each of which contributes to a specific sub-objective and tackles a specific challenge.

Working Group 1
Basic Research: Coordination of ongoing and future research activities
The main objective of WG1 is to further develop a well-established network of researchers that impulse research in gynaecological cancer, with particular focus on very rare diseases where the treatments options are scarce.

Working Group 2
Coordination of bridging the gap between biobanks and translational research projects
The main objectives of WG2 are to establish a virtual network from the existing European biobanks for rare gynaecological malignancies (using a virtual platform that will allow the real time visualisation of the samples); and to integrate the biobanking concept within the clinical trials and translational research projects running in this field.
Working Group 3
Coordinating harmonisation of legal/regulatory requirements for international trials and other collaborative efforts
WG3 aims to harmonise the legal requirements requested from the different European countries (all EU countries and non-EU countries within Europe).

Working Group 4
Bridging the gap between industry and biotechnology companies and translational research projects
The main objective of WP4 is to introduce GYNOCARE to the Pharma industries and to the companies that are developing commercial tools for diagnosis and prognostic assessment of the patients to showcase the distinct value for trial and study design, while also revealing to potential for smarter drug design and reuse of existing therapeutics.
Working Group 5
Coordination of interactions between clinical trials, translational research, and basic research
WG5 brings together the work carried out in the individual WGs 1 to 4, and paves the way for increased collaboration in advancing the cure of specific rare gynaecological cancers.