New Call for Virtual Mobility Grants in 2022


GYNOCARE will provide for up to 10 Virtual Mobility (VM) grants under this call.

Application deadline is 1st September 2022, but late applications may be considered if there is funding. All VMs have to be finished by 30th October 2022.

GYNOCARE aims to create a unique network between key stakeholders covering five distinct domains (from concept to cure): basic research on rare gynaecological cancer, biobanking, industrial dimension, legal and regulatory requirements for international trials and other research collaborative efforts, and high-quality, international, and innovative clinical trials. To achieve our ambitious goals, we have devised research coordination and capacity building objectives in accordance with mission and vision of the COST Action.

GYNOCARE will focus on (1) capacity-building on rare gynaecological cancer by connecting high-quality scientific communities in various disciplines, existing networks, policy-makers, industrial partners, and patient organisations across Europe and beyond; (2) coordinating, and contributing to the development of a research roadmap dedicated to connect innovative basic research to harmonised biobanking to ‘smarter’ clinical trials; (3) developing a platform for sharing best practices, including funding roadmap and legal/ethical requirements, in gynaecological cancers, aiming to advice policy-makers and other key stakeholders;  and (4) providing equal networking opportunities for early-stage researchers, and other talented young professionals.  For more information please visit our website: About us 


Virtual Mobility (VM) Grants aim at strengthening the existing networks by allowing scientists to foster collaboration in a virtual setting, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, disseminate Action results, etc. GYNOCARE COST Action has laid out the new version of the Virtual Mobility Strategy for the current Grant Period.

Applications from early career investigators (ECIs) (up to 8 years after their PhD completion) and researchers from inclusiveness target countries (ITC) participating in the COST Action 18117 are strongly encouraged.

The successful applicant(s) will be selected by the Virtual Networking Committee (VNC) of GYNOCARE to perform activities that do not necessarily require in-person presence. These activities may include research (surveys, online interviews, etc.), preparation of joint research and publication activities, virtual mentoring of activities that can generate capacity, build new skills, content preparation and coordination, etc.


 Up to a maximum of EUR 1500 in total can be afforded to each successful applicant as a fixed grant that contributes to the overall expenses incurred during the VM.

Apply by following the instructions below.


In order to apply for a VM grant you must be an Action participant with a primary affiliation to an institution located in a COST Full or Cooperating member country or MC Observer from a COST Near Neighbouring Country.

All VM grantees shall make their own arrangements for all provisions related to personal security, taxation, pension matters, health and social security. The VM grantee must also ensure that they have the required technical material/equipment and infrastructure to carry out the activities proposed in their application.


To apply, VM applicants must have an e-COST profile at and submit their VM application online at the following web address: and select ‘Virtual Mobility Grant’.

Applicants should download the VM grant application template, fill out all parts, and upload it in the e-COST


The applications will be assessed by the Virtual Networking Committee of GYNOCARE, consisting of the Action Chair and the Vice-Chair, as delegated following MC evote in the previous grant period.

Successful applicants will be notified within three weeks from submitting the application.

The committee will evaluate each application according to budget, possible contribution that the proposed VM will make toward the scientific objectives of GYNOCARE (as outlined in the Action’s Memorandum of Understanding) and individual candidate’s career.


A Report including a description of the outcomes and achieved outputs (including any specific MoU deliverables, or publications resulting from the VM), a description of the benefits to the Action, and a description of the virtual collaboration (including a constructive reflection on the activities undertaken, identified successful practices and lessons learned) will have to be submitted to and approved by the Action Chair.

Written approval of the VM scientific report by the aforementioned persons must be uploaded in e-COST for archiving purposes.

The VM grantee has to deliver all necessary documents within 15 calendar days from the end of their VM. Failure to submit the report and the supporting documents within 15 days from the end date of the VM will effectively cancel the grant. Grant is payable up to 30 days after the grantee report and supporting documents have been approved by the Action Chair. Please note that the COST Association and Action’s Grant holder can request additional information to substantiate the information contained within the documents submitted by VM applicants.

Click here to view the VM Grant applications which were successfully awarded in 2021.

Please contact the Action Chair Prof. Jean Calleja-Agius via email if you have any queries relating to VM occur: