Dr Chiara Tammaro visits lab in Notthingham Trent University, UK
Dr Chiara Tammaro from the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, is reading for her PhD under the supervision of Prof. Gabriella Misso and Prof. Michele Caraglia. Dr Tommaro was awarded a grant by GYNOCARE COST Action to carry out a short term scientific mission (STSM) entitled: "Displaying the Link between Human Papillomavirus Positive Cervical Cancer and Laryngeal Cancer throughout the involvement of miR-223: a Potential Early Diagnostic Biomarker".
She spent almost 3 months at the Notthingham Trent University, UK, hosted by Prof. Elisabetta Verderio. Here is the full report of the work carried out during this STSM: STSM-report- Chiara Tammaro