
The Management Committee Members and participants of GYNOCARE have been very active in collaborative research work and attendance to meetings, inspite of hurdles, including the ongoing COVID-10 pandemic.

GYNOCARE Reaches for the Moon: Is there a Link between Gynaecological Cancer & Space Travel

05 July 2022 10:19 AM

Extraterrestrial Gynae-Oncology

New publication on Cervical Cancer Stem Cells

11 May 2022 1:51 PM

The potential of therapeutic targeting of CCSCs

World Ovarian Cancer Day

08 May 2022 10:45 PM

Commemorated on the 8th May 2022

STSM at TU Delft

18 April 2022 8:01 PM

First STSM awarded

Conference & MC meeting in Malta

18 April 2022 7:17 PM

Save the dates 23 & 24 May 2022

Virtual Biobanking – COSMOS and ROSE

06 April 2022 11:09 PM

Award given for first biobank for tumour tissues